DirectGov's Staying Safe Online is a most excellent website, containing an abundance of invaluable information.
The site is specifically aimed at teenagers and covers a variety of topics, including: staying safe on social networking sites, the dangers of online chatrooms, meeting online friends, cyberbullying, file sharing and identity theft.
Another equally excellent website is Get Safe Online.
The site is aimed at the adult population as a whole and covers pretty much every online eventuality you could possibly think of.
DirectGov's Staying Safe Online is a most excellent website, containing an abundance of invaluable information.
The site is specifically aimed at teenagers and covers a variety of topics, including: staying safe on social networking sites, the dangers of online chatrooms, meeting online friends, cyberbullying, file sharing and identity theft.
Another equally excellent website is Get Safe Online.
The site is aimed at the adult population as a whole and covers pretty much every online eventuality you could possibly think of.
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